TWB was formed in 1992 and has been using the MFL systems that are manufactured by InspecTech Analygas group for 20 years or more. These systems are a very reliable and cost effective solution for non-destructive testing in a production environment.

TWB has worked with InspecTech on many projects and has always had an extremely wonderful experience with the support that has been provided. InspecTech has always been a provider of outstanding service to TWB, and TWB would like to keep it that way for a long time to come.

The MFL system that TWB has utilized over the years has saved TWB from sending sub-par product to our customers. This system not only greatly reduces our scrap but also assist in the form of working as a process monitoring tool during the production of our tailor welded product. I would recommend InspecTech’s products to anyone looking for a cost effective solution and addition to their quality monitoring process. The cost for maintaining the MFL system is minimal and the rewards are great.


Henry Flynn
TWB Company L.L.C.

QMS Application Engineer

1600 Nadeau Road, Monroe MI, 48162


Mr. Henry Flynn,